
A displaced woman prepares millet in a school’s courtyard where she and her family have taken shelter. Burkina Faso.
A displaced woman prepares millet in a school’s courtyard where she and her family have taken shelter. Photo: OCHA/Bénédicte Bama Toé.

Non-governmental organizations interested in applying for funding under the Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa (RHFWCA) are required to participate in an eligibility process. To become eligible for direct funding, non-governmental partners need to fulfil the following three criteria: 

  • Passed the RHFWCA capacity assessment. 
  • Due diligence status in the RHFWCA One Grant Management System is approved. 
  • Has no outstanding RHFWCA oversight and compliance issues. 

Briefly the RHFWCA capacity assessments is as follows:  

  • Step 1: Preliminary screening of prospective partners: Determines whether a prospective organization meets the minimum requirements to undergo a full assessment. This step is carried out in collaboration with the clusters and OCHA Country Office colleagues (sub-offices) that recommend new organizations to the Regional Humanitarian Financing Unit (RHFU). As such, the clusters and/or OCHA Country Office colleagues conduct a pre-assessment of the organizations concerned with the support of the RHFU. 
  • Step 2: Due Diligence/ GMS Registration: Prospective partners are required to register in the UN Partner Portal. After registration in the UNPP and successful completion of the preliminary screening, the prospective partner can request access to the CBPF Grant Management System (GMS) by contacting the RHFU.  
  • Step 3: Due Diligence and Capacity assessment: Partners who meet all the above requirements undergo a comprehensive desk-based or on-site capacity assessment by the RHFU. This consists of assessing prospective partners’ organizational, programmatic, and financial capacities through a series of questions and the analysis of several documents submitted by potential organizations. Based on the combined results of the assessment, eligible partners are then assigned one of three risk levels: High, Medium or Low.  

For more information, please consult the corresponding section of the Fund's Operational manual and annexes.