Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund

Community-based education classes supported by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund in Herat Province offer learning opportunities for children and families.
Community-based education classes supported by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund in Herat Province offer learning opportunities for children and families. Photo: OCHA/Sayed Habib Bidel

The Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) was established in 2014 to support swift and strategic humanitarian action in Afghanistan. The AHF is managed by OCHA under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and supported by the AHF Advisory Board, which includes representatives of donors, national and international NGOs and UN agencies, and thematic advisors to ensure decisions reflect views from across the humanitarian community.

The AHF is a vital humanitarian financing mechanism in support of the strategic priorities of the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP).

Acknowledging the need for a response that addresses a range of humanitarian needs and is locally led the AHF utilizes a robust risk management framework and remains committed to ensure accountability to affected populations Through its allocations, the AHF promotes localization and active participation of women-led organizations as well as organizations of people with disabilities. This entails supporting meaningful and participatory community engagement and utilizes these inputs towards multi-sector humanitarian programming and locally led initiatives.

The AHF promotes close coordination and collaboration with all providers of humanitarian financing assistance, as well as stakeholders of the wider humanitarian system, creating complementarity not only among all OCHA pooled funding mechanisms, including the Central Emergency Response Fund, but also with other humanitarian and nexus funds such as the Special Trust Fund for Afghanistan.

Pledged amount (USD)
74.6M 2024
Paid amount (USD)
74.4M 2024




Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2023

Donor contributions Soon reaching its tenth anniversary, the AHF reached an overall donor contribution level of one billion US dollars in 2023, thereby placing it among the three largest OCHA...



Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2022

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