2025 ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment and ECOSOC Meeting on the Transition from Relief to Development

USG Tom Fletcher in Gaza
Start date:
End date:

Geneva, Switzerland

Since 1998, the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) has been an essential platform for discussing the activities and issues related to strengthening the coordination and effectiveness of the humanitarian assistance of the United Nations. The HAS provides a key opportunity for Member States, the United Nations system, humanitarian partners, development actors, and the private sector to discuss current and emerging humanitarian challenges and priority themes and share experiences and lessons learned.

The 2025 HAS will take place from 18 to 20 June in Geneva. The HAS will be chaired by Her Excellency Ambassador Maritza Chan, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations in New York, in her capacity as the ECOSOC Vice-President for the HAS.

The ECOSOC Meeting to Discuss the Transition from Relief to Development will be held immediately preceding the HAS in Geneva on 17 June. The meeting will be co-chaired by His Excellency Ambassador Krzysztof Szczerski, Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations in New York, in his capacity as ECOSOC Vice-President of the Operational Activities for Development Segment, and Ambassador Maritza Chan, in her capacity as ECOSOC Vice-President for the HAS.

The HAS and Transition Meeting programme and all related updates will be provided on this website as soon as available. For further information on the HAS and the Transition Meeting, please contact ochaecosochas@un.org.