Latin America and the Caribbean


A grandmother with her two grandchildren
A grandmother cares for her grandchildren after her mother emigrated to the United States of America int he Guatemalan town of Guaraquiche. OCHA/Vincent Tremeau
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The primary humanitarian concerns in Guatemala include food insecurity, acute malnutrition in children under age 5 and increased protection and basic needs due to a rise in flows of migrants and refugees. 

Guatemala ranks first in Latin America and the sixth in the world in cases of chronic malnutrition among children under 5 years old. Close to half of all children (46.5 per cent) suffer from chronic malnutrition.

Some 5.3 million people require humanitarian assistance including food, emergency medical services and treatment, access to safe water and sanitation, shelter, and protection assistance, including information and referral mechanisms for cases of gender-based and other types of violence. 

Given its proximity to Mexico and the United States, Guatemala is a country of origin, transit, destination and return of people in human mobility, including refugees and applicants for refugee status.

El Niño conditions are compounding needs and are expected to continue into 2024, potentially depleting the harvest of staple grains in the first agricultural cycle of May to August, which is especially concerning in the western highlands where food insecurity is most prevalent. A stunted harvest would also eliminate jobs and wages for day labourers who depend on this income.

In 2024, Guatemala will continue to face challenges due to economic and social inequality, and environmental shocks. The number of people in need of protection is expected to reach 3 million, due to the increase in human mobility and the humanitarian consequences of violence and organized crime.

In 2024, the Humanitarian Response Plan will need US$125 million to address the most pressing humanitarian needs of 2.5 million people or 47 per cent of the 5.3 million people in need.  The response aims to complement ongoing development projects and government efforts.


Overview of the humanitarian response in Guatemala

For a full overview of the humanitarian response, visit

Total population
17.6M 2024
People in need
5.3M 2024
People to be covered by assistance
2.5M 2024
Total requirements (USD)
125.4M 2024
Funding total (USD)
64.9M 2024
Funding gap (USD)
60.5M 2024


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Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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Originally published
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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