Anticipatory Action - Burkina Faso
Getting Ahead of Drought
Today, we can predict with increasing confidence the occurrence and humanitarian impact of certain climatic shocks. By combining different analytical approaches, out-of-the-ordinary weather events can not only be predicted, but their projected humanitarian impact can proactively be mitigated based on pre-identified anticipatory actions.
Building on growing evidence that acting prior to the onset of a predictable, severe hazard is significantly more (cost-)effective than traditional humanitarian response, OCHA is facilitating the setup of multiple Anticipatory Action frameworks that, upon being activated, are implemented with funds allocated from CERF. Beyond CERF, other donors are encouraged to contribute funds to the frameworks within their own established criteria and in complementarity.
The framework for drought in Burkina Faso, a country that is highly exposed to climate risk and vulnerable due to poverty and conflict, was designed by humanitarian partners under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator, with support from OCHA. The framework was endorsed by both the Humanitarian Coordinator and the Emergency Relief Coordinator in March 2022 and is valid for a period of two years.
The objective of the framework is to mitigate the impact of drought on vulnerable, at-risk individuals and communities in Burkina Faso through collective, cross-sectoral anticipatory action. The framework focuses on the drought-prone and highly vulnerable regions of Boucle de Mouhoun, Centre Nord, Sahel, and Nord, and has the potential to reach over 800,000¹ people with an integrated package of support ahead drought onset.