Fiji: Anticipatory Action
Getting ahead of severe tropical cyclones
Today, we can predict with increasing confidence the occurrence and humanitarian impact of weather events. The projected impact of these events can be proactively mitigated based on pre-identified triggers, finance and actions to support vulnerable people before disaster strikes. Building on growing evidence that acting before the onset of a predictable, specific and severe hazard is a significantly faster, more (cost-)efficient and more dignified humanitarian response, OCHA is facilitating the setup of anticipatory action pilot projects and frameworks. An anticipatory action framework is a formal mechanism that enables humanitarian organizations to collectively get ahead of a predictable shock and mitigate its impact. Each of the OCHA-facilitated frameworks methodically combines four components:
Forecasting and pre-agreed triggers
Pre-arranged financing
Pre-agreed actions that mitigate the impact of the hazard
Rigorous learning and documentation of evidence
The framework for Fiji has been set up for tropical cyclones. Under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator and the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), and building on existing national coordination structures, the anticipatory action core team (comprising technical focal points from interested agencies) is collaborating with the Government and local partners to design a timely, effective, efficient and dignified response to the anticipated emergency. The aim is to design a system that helps vulnerable communities ahead of the impact of the cyclone, enhancing community resilience.