Mozambique: 2024 Humanitarian Response Dashboard - Drought (As of December 2024)
At the end of 2024, significant gaps in humanitarian service delivery persisted in the drought response. Of the 1.4 million people targeted for assistance, a total of 398,000, equivalent to 28 per cent of the targeted population, had been reached.
Out of a target of 1.1 million people, the Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) cluster reached 337,600 people, the Nutrition cluster reached 100,000 people, the WASH cluster reached 16,000 people and Protection cluster reached 400 people. However, the unmet target across other lifesaving clusters highlights the need for additional resources to close the gap and ensure a comprehensive, multisectoral response.
The drought appeal continues to face a substantial shortfall as $28.7 million—approximately 13 per cent of the total financial requirement—has been secured against the $222 million required. The financial gap has severely limited the ability of humanitarian actors to deliver timely and adequate aid to those in need.