OCHA KPI Report 2023, June 2024


Table of Contents

Transformational Priorities

Transformational Priority 1:
A coherent humanitarian response that is people-centred, locally driven, and agile. 4

Transformational Priority 2:
Systematic and predictable leadership on access. 10

Transformational Priority 3:
Facilitating durable solutions to protracted internal displacement. 12

Transformational Priority 4:
A humanitarian response that leaves no-one behind. 13

Transformational Priority 5:
Catalytic humanitarian financing that delivers impact in people’s lives. 17

Transformational Priority 6:
Strategic foresight to adapt to an evolving landscape. 20

Enabler A: Leadership and Accountability 25
Enabler B: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 29
Enabler C: Learning, Evaluation, Innovation, and Results 31
Enabler D: Analysis and Data-Driven Decision Making 34
Enabler E: Partnerships 36