Roadmap to COP28

A standing electronic sign reads  Let's fix climate finance
Digital signage calling all parties to the UN climate deal to fix climate finance can be seen all over the COP 28 venue in Dubai. OCHA/Jaspreet Kindra

Our planet is headed for the intensive care unit. People in every country we work in are living in the worst climate emergency of their lifetime. For example, the longest drought on record in the Horn of Africa would not have happened without human-caused climate change.

COP 28 is taking place from 30 November until 12 December 2023 (see below for a more detailed calendar of events). OCHA, along with the COP28 presidency, United Arab Emirates, and other partners aims to use its presence at COP 28 to ensure the voices of people caught up in climate crises are heard.

OCHA has been contributing towards addressing climate-related disasters through its funds such as Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country Based Pooled Funds (CBPF).  Between 2006 and 2022, CERF allocated $2.16 billion to address climate-related disasters. This amounts to 26.5 per cent of annual CERF allocations on average.

Middle East and North Africa Climate Week

The stories

Voices from people facing climate emergencies

The science

OCHA's Climate Team member, Zinta Zommers, also one of the lead authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report, unpacks the main takeaways for the humanitarian community and how it paves the way for COP28.

Related videos

What is overshoot?

What to expect from COP28

#Essential reading

#Calendar of events

4-6 September: 
Africa Climate Summit, Nairobi, Kenya 
17-24 September
Climate Week New York City

8-12 October
 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) UNFCCC Climate Week, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

11 October (MENA Week)

No one left behind: Accelerating climate action in countries affected by fragility, conflict and protracted humanitarian crises. 

Co-organizers: COP28 President - United Arab Emirates, World Food Programme, Islamic Development Bank, OCHA, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 

30 November
Opening ceremony at Dubai UNFCCC COP28 

2 December

Opening of the Humanitarian Hub housed in the Women’s Pavilion in Expo City, Green Zone (10.30 am)

Schedule of events at the Hub here.

3 December
Events on Health, Relief, Recovery and Peace Day at Dubai:

  • Strengthening Delivery: Aligning development, humanitarian, and climate finance. This event is co-organized by IFAD and OCHA. (11.30 am -12 noon SE Room 5, Blue Zone)
  • CERF’s role in climate action. This event is organized by OCHA. (Humanitarian Hub, Green Zone; 15:30 – 16:30)
  • Accelerating Climate Action and Finance in Countries and Communities Facing Multifaceted Crises - Launch of the Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace Declaration. (12 noon -13.30 Blue Zone Alwaha Theatre, Blue Zone)
  • The 1st Conference for Hosting Countries of World’s Humanitarian Hubs - A ministerial event organized by UAE MOFA, and the Dubai International Humanitarian City. (11.00 – 11.30 People and Planet Building, Blue Zone)